Quotes That Speak To Me: Mind Control


Control Mind

Found this morning on Women’s Rights News’s Facebook page.

As I confessed this morning on FB, I am still actively struggling with this…

It bit me in the ass in the shower this morning.  In fact, it does the same many mornings in the shower.

What is it about first thing in the morning and being in the shower that allows my mind to have imaginary conversations with actual people in my life – conversations (that don’t Actually occur in Real Life, and I Am aware of this fact, mind you) that end up disappointing, angering, frustrating or downright hurting me?

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Quotes That Speak To Me: The Mean One


The mean one

Found this on Facebook this morning.

I Literally laughed out loud because it couldn’t be truer.  Anybody who has studied group dynamics knows the truth of this comment.

A whole bunch of people in my life currently think I’m the mean one.

I’m still trying to decide if I’m gonna go back to the way things were or not, knowing that if I don’t, I’ll likely be abandoned.

A Little Red Equals Sign


This morning I woke up to find the Coolest Post on my Facebook!

Someone I used to work with at a former job has posted that he was so inspired by the number of people in his Facebook world who had changed their profile pictures to be the red equals sign (or some variant thereof) in honor of SCOTUS hearing the (originally) Prop. 8 case from California on Tuesday of this week and the DOMA case yesterday that . . .

. . . he felt loved and supported enough to . . .



He shared that the support and love he had felt from his Facebook world enabled him to take this giant step and his parents were ready to hear it – it all turned out great!

I thanked him in a comment on the post for sharing this (and reminding me indirectly that we don’t always see the effect we have – this time I got to – but that one person Can change the world, or at least Somebody’s world) with us who may have had something to do with it, and congratulating him on his courage!

Despite what’s going on in my life, this put a big smile on my face, and I have a sense that this will warm my heart for some time to come whenever I think of it again.

Locks of Love – For Those Who Come After Me

A week before my first surgery, I went to get a haircut.  A serious haircut.

At that point my hair was pretty long, by anyone’s standards, very much like that of Lady Godiva.

I decided to cut it so as to make it easier to take care of after my surgeries (short enough to be washed leaning back into the sink if necessary).  I figured I’d cut off enough to donate to Locks of Love – two birds with one stone, don’t ya know? – for those who come after me.  I didn’t at that point know whether I’d need chemo and end up losing my hair or not, but either way I figured it was good karma and just the right thing to do.

Although I came out of there feeling bald (in the world according to me), I also was not going to let an inch or two keep me from donating since I was cutting most of my hair off anyway.  I had just enough to meet the length they needed and leave me with a just-longer-than-chin-length bob.  Okay, it met both of the criteria, and I knew it would grow back (I’ve always had lots of thick hair), and if I had to have chemo, lost my hair, and it grew back different (as more than rarely happens), well that was a bridge I didn’t even have to admit existed at that point, let alone deal with crossing.

The week between getting it cut and having my first surgery, I had posted for my friends on Facebook a picture of my cut-off ponytail with the caption “On it’s way to Locks of Love.”

Well, then the rest of the week was cleaning up the house, stocking the fridge, doing laundry, setting up the bedroom with what I thought I’d want while recovering and just plain continuing to breathe in and out to keep the anxiety level anywhere near reasonable.

And then there were two surgeries (two weeks apart to the day), follow-up appointments with both surgeons, getting my ass back to work, interviewing new doctors for the next stage of treatment, doing physical therapy for side effects from at least one of the surgeries, starting the next stage of treatment, and getting at least the bare minimum of chores done to keep my life running (food in the house, enough clean clothes to dress to leave the house every day, paying at least some of the bills).

Needless to say, today this ponytail was still on my desk in my home office.


Here’s what’s going in the package:

And here’s the package all packed up, stamped and heading out to it’s destination!  🙂

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